Customized for You Our Services

Personal Training

Individualized workouts that change with your needs, to keep you feeling strong, moving well, and living with confidence.

Small Group Fitness

The fun and energy of working with a group, while receiving detailed modifications to fit your needs.

Assisted Stretching

Hands-on dynamic and passive stretching techniques to help you regain range of movement, reduce pain, and improve energy.

woman training with ropes

Personal Training is Our Most Customizable Service…


You may notice that your old routines don’t keep you in shape, you are more prone to injury, and staying healthy is tougher. We can help.

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    Work one-on-one with an expert

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    Workouts customized for you

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    Personalized schedule

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    Undivided attention

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    Stay safe, see improvement

Small Group Fitness is Our Fastest Growing Service…


Many people like the community of working out in a group, but need some extra care and attention around their specific goals or limitations.

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    Fun and social

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    Find a group to fit your schedule

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    Tons of attention from an expert trainer

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    Feel better and gain confidence

Group of people training

Feel Better Immediately with Assisted Stretching


As we pass 40, it is common that joint pain increases and range of motion decreases. We use hands-on dynamic and passive stretching techniques to help you regain range of movement, reduce pain, and improve energy.

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    Gain range of motion

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    Boost your flexibility

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    Decrease Pain

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    Increase Mobility

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    Get hands-on adjustments

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    Certified, experienced trainer

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